A little about me at dim-dom.com

My Name is actually Sharon, but when we were young, my siblings pronounced my name Dim Dom and the nickname stuck. As a child (a real tomboy) I was always tinkering with something, a piece of wood, an airfix model, a go-kart. I hasten to mention that the piece of wood was in fact, my Dad's best pine shelf which I turned into a go-kart. But hey, I thought I was being resourceful. My only regret is that I wasn't allowed to do woodwork at school.

What sets me apart from the other people is not my extraordinary talent or my unquestionable modesty!! But my belief that there is nothing I cannot make or do. It just never occurs to me that I cannot achieve things. Of course, I make plenty of mistakes but that is how I learn.

Although, tragically, I lost my sight many years ago I am still optimistic and I thoroughly enjoy meeting new challenges, over coming obstacles and of course, creating fabulous furniture and toys.

The Bear Chair

I originally saw a bear chair in a shop in Surrey. I thought it was really super but I was astonished at how expensive it was. I decided to have a go at making one for 4 year old Ellie. I asked a friend, a very good artist, to paint the bear face on the chair. Much like the Farm I had made for her previously the chair was very well received.

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A big thanks from Dim Dom.

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