A little about me at dim-dom.com

My Name is actually Sharon, but when we were young, my siblings pronounced my name Dim Dom and the nickname stuck. As a child (a real tomboy) I was always tinkering with something, a piece of wood, an airfix model, a go-kart. I hasten to mention that the piece of wood was in fact, my Dad's best pine shelf which I turned into a go-kart. But hey, I thought I was being resourceful. My only regret is that I wasn't allowed to do woodwork at school.

What sets me apart from the other people is not my extraordinary talent or my unquestionable modesty!! But my belief that there is nothing I cannot make or do. It just never occurs to me that I cannot achieve things. Of course, I make plenty of mistakes but that is how I learn.

Although, tragically, I lost my sight many years ago I am still optimistic and I thoroughly enjoy meeting new challenges, over coming obstacles and of course, creating fabulous furniture and toys.

The Dining Table

My pride and joy! I’ve always wanted to make my own unique dining table. It is made of walnut, a really beautifully grained hardwood. Some were sceptical at first as this was quite a difficult project but as you can see it worked out excellently. I had it professionally French polished and I think the results speak for themselves.

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A big thanks from Dim Dom.

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